
Project Goal

Create an engine for Syndicate game, multiplatform, without original bugs and a little bit more advanced gameplay.

Project Communication

There are different forms of communication used by the FreeSynd team - mailing lists, trackers, forums. If you wish to get in contact with the team, join the community, or volunteer to help out with the project then feel free to use any of those medias and make your voice heard.

Project Page - FreeSynd's SourceForge Project Page.

FreeSynd Bugs/Requests Trackers
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FreeSynd User mailing list
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Freesynd News

IRC Channel

Freesynd Forum


Roadmap WIKI

The FreeSynd Team

(listed in alphabetical order)

Stuart Bingë (Developer)
Benoit Blancard (Developer)
Joey Parrish (Developer)
Joost Peters (Developer)
Bohdan Stelmakh (Developer)
Trent Waddington (Developer)

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